Check Out New Babylon’s Fall Trailer

Square Enix and Platinum Games have shared a new Babylon’s Fall trailer to celebrate the arrival of the new year. The video features a number of in-game cutscenes as well as gameplay footage that shows off some of the title’s locations and monsters.

Babylon’s Fall is an upcoming cooperative action RPG that you can play solo or with up to 3 other players. After the Babylonians perished, only their great tower “The Ziggurat” remained. Now a new empire has come to pillage its ruins and uncover its fabled treasures. Join forces with other Sentinels, unwilling subjects forcibly implanted with Gideon Coffin, relics that grant the few survivors unrivalled powers.

Choose your playstyle from multiple, varied weapon-types, each with their own distinct skills and abilities. Customize your loadout to wield up to 4 weapons at any time.
Explore a rich fantasy setting that draws inspiration from medieval oil paintings.

Ascend to greatness as you climb the looming Tower of Babel and uncover its fabled treasures. Only by mastering the powers of your Gideon Coffin, will you unlock your true potential and become strong enough to survive the summit and uncover the secrets that await.

Babylon’s Fall is coming to PC, PS4 and PS5 on March 3, 2022.

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