Corepunk – Check Out Progress Update Video

The developers from Artifical Core have shared a new blog post on the official site on the upcoming MMORPG Corepunk, containing the latest progress video and overview of the changes done to the game, aimed at bringing community up to speed with the latest updates.

All the core systems are almost there, and the milestone for December is to run performance tests on the actual infrastructure that will be running beta later (with all the systems working better): catch all of the major net code bugs, find bottlenecks, and test client performance on a wider spectrum of configurations.

Next, the team is planning on polishing the game till the end of winter and will share an update on the progress in early spring as well as expected beta dates (which would be around mid to late spring).

“You’re probably disappointed to wait few more months, and that’s reasonable. But we think that’s the only right way to go for the quality of the game, for our community and the team. Artificial Core is not a studio with an excess of resources and we’ve been funding development for many years now. Every month of delay is hard on us too. To our morale and also from a business perspective. But we believe in what we do, our vision and purpose.”


Corepunk is an MMORPG with fog-of-war in a seamless open world. Thanks to the top-down camera and fog-of-war, you’ll want to discover every nook and cranny. Corepunk offers a variety of professions, battlegrounds, challenging monsters in unique camps, guilds, farms, quests, and a profound lore.

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