CrossCode gets its first major story update in a year

Deck13 and Radical Fish’s crowdfunded ARPG CrossCode has been in Early Access since 2015. Set to launch in early 2018, the team has quietly been hammering away at feature updates. But for the past year, the story progress has been at a standstill. Enter today’s big patch. With today’s update the story of CrossCode and Lea can continue. A brand new trailer is here to celebrate.

What is CrossCode?

CrossCode has been in Early Access for two years now. And the last major Story update has been released about one year ago. Since that day new gameplay areas were added. New quests were brought into the CrossWorlds. New skills were introduced. But the overall story did not continue. As of today, this has changed. Version 0.9.5. (and its hotfixes) finally continued the story of our protagonist Lea.

With the new story parts out we’d like to announce that CrossCode is currently set for an early 2018 release. Shortly before the release, a near-to-final Story Update will be introduced. And after that, the launch will happen. To celebrate today’s news, we’ve also released a new Gameplay Trailer for the game.

CrossCode is a true homage to the 16-bit era. Think of Secret of Mana having an affair with the classic top-down Zelda games. Like, you know, a really wild one. It’s the Action RPG you’ve always dreamed about, a perfect synthesis of time-tested gameplay and modern controls. Slip into the role of Lea as she logs into CrossWorlds – a fictional MMO of the distant future. Experience a story full of mysteries and balls. Experience a modern take on the past.

1 Comment

  1. How did I miss this game? I only had ten minutes to try it this morning but I’m in love. More thoughts coming soon.

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