Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked Project Is Here

Halk Hogan, the creator of the famous and much loved The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project, is back with a new version of similar mod for another CDPR’s creation. Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked Project aims to improve the graphics by reworking game assets to better quality preserving original art style and good performance.

To show off exactly what the project does, the modder also shared the preview trailer you can find above, demonstrating how better textures change the overall look of the in-game world. Version 1.0 (the initial one) reworked many various environment textures to high resolution. That includes roads, walls, terrain, dirt, graffiti and more.

Check out the mod’s Nexus page to learn more about the installation process and the two different versions it offers: Reworked Project Ultra Quality (highly recommended for 2K/4K displays) and Reworked Project Balanced for graphic cards with less amount of memory.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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