Destiny 2: Beyond Light Launches Today

It’s a big day in gaming with several exciting new titles headed out the gate, not the least of which is Destiny 2: Beyond Light, the latest expansion to the game. Maintenance to bring the expansion online has already started and the game should be live again starting at 9:00 am Pacific / 12:00 pm Eastern. Bungie devs recommend that players enable Cross-Save before logging in as the Season Pass rewards will be assigned to the first account characters that sign into the game.

In addition to the above, D2 players will want to check out the Bungie Help Twitter account for ongoing news about issues that may have cropped up. The team is already aware of several and has sent out tweets to inform players what they may encounter.

  • In a Wrathborn Hunt, players must deal damage to the final boss to get credit for the activity.
  • Stasis subclasses are only available with a Beyond Light game license.
  • The Exotic Archive will keep flashing if the player has an Exotic Cipher in their inventory.
  • Players who dismantle the Stasis fragment quests must wait a week before picking up a new one.
  • The One-Inch Punch finisher will not kill enemies if the player has the Stasis subclass equipped.
  • Kill-based weapon perks may work inconsistently on Stasis frozen shatter kills.
  • The Crucible Stasis fragment quest “Timeless Victory” progresses inconsistently.
  • The Wrathborn Hunt icon sometimes will not appear on the map.
  • The Europa patrol “To the Nth Power” cannot be progressed with Stasis super kills as a Warlock.
  • Exo Challenge activities don’t grant a reward for players below the Soft Power Cap.

In addition to the expansion launch, players will also be able to enjoy the Season of the Hunt. “Season of the Hunt also begins on November 10 — you will be able to start earning ranks and rewards from the Season Pass, claim your Artifact, and begin to customize it as you power it up. This Season’s story mission and new Wrathborn Hunts activity will kick off the following week on Nov 17. Starting with Season of the Hunt, most of the Seasonal content and all of the sweet gear will be sticking around for all of year 4.”

Season of the Hunt

Find out more about Destiny 2: Beyond Light by visiting the game’s official site.

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