Dragon Ball Fighter Z Gameplay and Release Information

During Gamescom, Bandai Namco unleashed a lot of new information about Dragon Ball Fighter Z as well as a game play trailer. Yes, the Androids are back!

Dragon Ball Fighter Z

Here’s what we know so far:

The game is due out in February 2018. There isn’t a more specific date, but that’s close enough, we think. In addition, it will be out for PlayStation 4 and XBox One consoles as well as PC. Lastly, Android 16 and 18 will be playable characters.

With the resurrection of Android 16 and the invasion of the mysterious army corps, the super warriors start to fall. What is happening?

We also found out a few other snips of information:

  • beta sign ups have begun for console players. It’s set to begin on September 16th. There will be four timed sessions throughout the weekend.
  • a “CollectorZ Edition” will be released that comes complete with a Goku statue as well as other, more standard, items
  • a new “last man standing” type game mode is coming but with a twist: All six players battle as the same character.

You can learn more on the official site as well as pre-order and prepare for February 2018!

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