ESO Shared Bedlam Veil Preview

ESO Shared Bedlam Veil Preview

The developers of MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online have shared another preview of a dungeon coming with the Scions of Ithelia DLC. The previous article was dedicated to the Oathsworn Pit, the training grounds for Malacath’s followers. This time the devs highlight Bedlam Veil.

Arriving March 11 for PC/Mac and March 26 for Xbox and PlayStation consoles, Bedlam Veil is the second dungeon coming with the Scions of Ithelia DLC pack. At launch, you can take on this latest challenge via ESO Plus membership or purchase it from the in-game Crown Store.

A Cult known as the Blind Path invaded the Bedlam Veil, and your assistance is needed to protect a powerful relic. In addition to discovering more about Maelstrom and Fa-Nuit-Hen, this dungeon also introduces elements that lead into the upcoming Gold Road Chapter. Between the invading cultists and the Bedlam Veil’s “native” inhabitants, you’ll have your hands full when venturing into this dungeon. This is especially so when confronting the Blind.

“For anyone who watched the Global Reveal, some of the monsters in Bedlam Veil should look familiar,” says Helena Wachhaus one of ESO’s Writer-Designers. “They have this glassy, almost mirror-like appearance that may help you draw some connections from the ongoing story to the Blind Path’s ultimate goals.”

The dungeon hosts great rewards for those willing to brave its challenges. Should you defeat the Blind Path and survive, new item sets, collectibles, achievements and more await you. This includes (but isn’t limited to) the Echonir Examination memento or the Artifact-Hunter Amber dye. One new set of armor is the Blind Path Induction light set that boosts your damage shields and healing, depending on your distance from your targets.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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