Festival of the Lost Returning to Destiny 2

If there’s one thing gamers know it’s that once October 1st hits, so begin the Halloween festivities. Bungie has announced one of the first celebrations for Destiny 2. The Festival of the Lost will be making its return for all D2 players. The Haunted Forest will be open from October 6th through November 3rd and The Spider looks for wily Guardians to bargain with him.

The event includes:

  • Players will be able to pick up Cipher Decoders that enable extra loot at the end of the Haunted Forest.
  • There are a number of other goodies to be had including the new Exotic Sparrow, Ship, and Ghost.
  • Guardians that head to Eva can pick up a Masquerader helmet and apply mask ornaments as they are found along the way.
  • There are new Triumphs, a new emblem, new masks.
  • Players will have more chances to grab the Braytech Werewolf and Horror Story Auto Rifles with new perk possibilities.
  • Guardians can work to unlock the Restless Ghost Shell collectible pin.
  • New universal armor ornaments will be available in Eververse.

Want to know more? Head to the Destiny 2 official site.

The next D2 expansion, Beyond Light will be launching on November 10th. Guardians everywhere will embrace the darkness and seek out the mysteries on the frozen moon of Europa.

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