Genshin Impact – Take Part in the Mega Meka Melee Event

Genshin Impact - Take Part in the Mega Meka Melee Event

Developer HoYoverse has taken to the official HoYolab account to share more information about Mega Meka Melee, the latest event in Genshin Impact. The event will kick off on August 24th and run through September 11th. Participating Travelers can get a free copy of 4-star Pyro Sword Bennett.

As the event progresses, the following game modes will kick off: Dance Dance Resolution, Torrential Turbulent Charge, and Efficacy Testing Simulation Arena.

  • “Dance Dance Resolution”. Control Toy Adventurers, follow the beat of the music, and hit various Slime puppets.
  • “Torrential Turbulent Charge”. Complete an underwater Time Trial Challenge, and make use of various Turbulence items to complete the trial faster.
  • “Efficacy Testing Simulation Arena”. Head to the designated location and defeat your opponents to help the staff collect the data they need.

Complete the various gameplay modes to obtain Enigmatic Copper Mainsprings to exchange for the following rewards from the Event Shop: Crown of Insight, Primogems, Character Talent Materials, Sanctifying Essence, Character Ascension Materials, and Mora. Reach a certain amount of Enigmatic Copper Mainsprings to invite “Trial by Fire” Bennett (Pyro).

Are you excited for Mega Meka Melee? Genshin Impact is currently going through the first phase of Version 4.0, the first patch of Fontaine. Players have access to a variety of new content, quests and various additions. The ongoing banners feature Yelan, Lyney and Lynette.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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