Hearthstone – March of the Lich King Expansion is Now Live

Developer Blizzard Entertainment has released the latest expansion to CCG Hearthstone. Titled March of the Lich King, it invites players back to Silvermoon to oppose the undead masses of the Scourge. The expansion also adds a new playable Class: the Death Knight.

“The Lich King returns to Hearthstone, leading his Undead army and the new Death Knight class in an all-out assault on the elven city of Silvermoon! The Blood Elves won’t go down easily; they are as thirsty for combat as they are for the magic of the Sunwell that they draw power from.”

Here are some of the new features you can expect to find in the expansion:

  • New Class: Death Knight – For two mana, summon a 1/1 Ghoul with Charge that dies at the end of your turn! That Ghoul does double-duty, because Death Knights gain a Corpse whenever a friendly minion dies. They can then spend those Corpses to power up their cards!
  • New Minion Types: Undead and Dual-Type Minions – Undead minions will appear in Neutral and in the classes that have aligned with the Lich King. Some minions will have two minion types. For Undead minions, this might be a second type to represent what they were before they became Undead.
  • Returning Keyword: Reborn – The first time a Reborn minion dies, it is resummoned with 1 Health remaining—the perfect keyword for representing pesky Undead minions.
  • New Keyword: Manathirst – Cards with Manathirst get more powerful once you reach a specified amount of mana. No mana needs to be consumed for the bonus effect to be triggered.

Are you ready for the March of the Lich King? Check out the animation below showing Paladin matriarch Lady Liadrin facing off against the fallen prince Arthas Menethil.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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