Hearthstone – Return to Naxx on February 14

Hearthstone - Return to Naxx on February 14

The developers from Blizzard Entertainment have revealed that Naxxramas returns to Hearthstone on February 14 in the latest mini-set, available February 14. Players can look forward to four powerful Legendary minions, seven new dual-type minions, and a Location card for the Death Knight class.

“The battle for Silvermoon gains even more momentum as the dread necropolis Naxxramas joins the March of the Lich King! The 38-card Mini-Set premiers four unique Legendary minions, including Frost Queen Sindragosa headlining as the first Death Knight minion to hold mixed Runes. Players will also gain entry to the Construct Quarter, a new Location for the Death Knight class, and synergize with seven freshly added dual-type minions. But don’t worry—there are plenty of cards to help the Blood Elves fight back!”

The Hearthstone Mercenaries mode gets six all-new mercenaries plus a Mythic Boss Rush end-game system. Additionally, Mercenaries get Faction identities when new dual-types arrive in the mode, allowing players to fully synergize their parties of Human-Undead, Celestial-Beasts, and more. You can learn more about the so-called Mythic update on the official site.

In case you’ve missed the March of the Lich King expansion, check out the animated trailer below showing Lady Liadrin fighting against the fallen prince Arthas Menethil.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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