How Useful Actually Are Standing Desks

Standing Desks

Just a couple of years ago, standing desks became quite a popular choice for offices and generally for workspaces. People believe that standing desks provide a whole new level of efficiency and comfort, that is, they make the workspace more ergonomic.

It is not rare that people who spend most of their time at work sitting have back problems. So, they either suffer through the pain or get regular massages. But after a while, the pain becomes too tough and the massages become expensive. Luckily, there is a more simple and cheaper solution – standing desks.

If you are not aware of all the benefits you can get from standing desks, stay tuned, and read through the list we have prepared for you.

Reducing back pain

This seems to be the most popular reason among people when it comes to buying standing desks. As experts on standing desks over at explain, many studies have shown that standing desks help reduce back pain, even when it comes to people who have long-term back pain. The improvement is usually most noticeable in the upper back and neck region. The thing that confirms this benefit is the fact that the removal of standing desks actually reversed some of the improvements after only two weeks.

Standing lowers your risk of weight gain

As we all know, weight gain is ultimately caused by the lack of balance between the number of calories that you burned and that you have taken in. Even though exercise is still the most effective way to lose weight, why not add an additional activity to burn your excess calories? That activity can be as simple as standing.

It should also be mentioned that studies have proven that people who spend a major time of their workdays standing burn over 170 additional calories than those that don’t. So, if you multiply that number of calories by the number of days you work, you will easily be able to see that you can burn a large number of extra calories by just doing your work while standing.

Standing Desks 1

Lower blood sugar levels

Even though an increase in blood sugar levels is pretty much expected after every meal, people who tend to have large spikes in blood sugar have a much higher risk of getting diabetes. Standing generally helps you reduce blood sugar levels, but this phenomenon is especially noticeable after a meal. So, if you just use a standing desk at your workplace, you can actually lower the chances of getting diabetes, no additional effort required whatsoever!

Lower the risk of heart disease

During the previous century, studies have found that individuals who spend their workdays sitting have a much higher risk of getting heart disease than their other colleagues who opt for standing most of the time during the day.

So, even if you work in an office and you have to do paperwork all day, it does not have to mean that you can’t help yourself in this way. Just by using a standing desk, you can lower the risks of getting heart disease.

Improve mood and energy levels

Apart from being good for your physical health, standing desks can also have a very positive influence on your overall well-being. Individuals who use these types of desks have reported having a lot more energy throughout the entire day. Just like in the case of back pain, if they went back to their old desks, overall moods came back to their original levels.

Boost your productivity

You might think that you will get tired of standing at work, that you will be less productive if you stand. But, since standing desks can generally improve your mood and boost your energy, it is only logical that you will be more productive. You will feel less sleepy and tired because you will feel you are always up and on the run.

Increase your concentration

If you spend your workdays sitting, you have surely experienced getting sleepy and distracted while sitting in your comfy chair. Standing can help pump blood around your body and into your brain and therefore increase your brain functions. Most of the people who used standing desks said they feel more focused than they do when they are slouching in the chair.

To wrap things up

There are many benefits that standing desks provide you with. From health benefits to boost your energy levels. If you want to try them out, just visit the local store that sells office furniture and experience all the great benefits that we have talked about. Of course, if you plan to start using standing desks, we recommend that you split your time 50-50 between standing and sitting. All things are best in moderation.

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