Super Mega Baseball 2 – A Grand Slam Game

You are sitting in the stands just beyond the outfield, with a hot dog in one hand and nachos in the other. You hear the *crack* of the bat and the crowd starts going wild. You look around and everyone is on their feet with their gloves reached above their heads. You look up to see the ball coming straight for you and the air leaves your lungs as you hear a thwap. You open your eyes and your friend caught the ball before it hits you. Super Mega Baseball gives you this feeling of being in the ballpark and this is our review.

From the developer Metalhead Software Inc. comes the second installment of the Super Mega Baseball series. Unlike its predecessor, this new installment comes with brand new character models. In the first game, your characters had huge bodies and heads with small legs, in this new version you have characters that look proportional to the rest of their bodies, which is what I wanted for the first one. It looks more realistic while still retaining its cartoon veneer. Along with the new models you now also have the ability to fully customize your team colors and your banner as well. The game even lets you create leagues which come with balanced teams allowing you to get right into the action. When you are done customizing your players’ socks, pants, and shirts, you can then customize the character models themselves to make your male, female, or mixed gender team.

Unlike the name infers, Super Mega Baseball 2 does not have any of the flaming balls or super bat shots that you would think would be normal for this type of game. It truly is the best arcade version of a traditional baseball game. You can choose your pitches and where to place them inside the strike zone. You can have your batter bunt the ball, you can control when they swing and can even boost swing with your player. The amount of freedom that you have in this game is very good for those people who are tired of normal baseball games which may be a little restrictive.

When it comes to a baseball game where you just want to chill and have a little fun with your family or friends, this is the game for you. For those of you with an ego, this game also has stats that will help that ego. You have mojo, fitness, and pressure stats which will ultimately help your characters progress and increase their playability in game. Mojo reflects the player’s confidence and mental capabilities while play. It will affect things like contact, junk, accuracy, and fielding. Fitness is just that, it will help with power, speed, velocity, arm, and stamina. Pressure shows you how important situations are to the end game. Batting in the bottom of the 9th from behind is one such example of this, and as a result, increases the effects of your mojo stats.

Note: Our copy was reviewed on Xbox One with a code provided by PR.

All in all Metalhead Software Inc. hit another one out of the park with Super Mega Baseball 2. The gameplay is fluid and fun for all ages. Tie this in with the online multiplayer feature that is offered and you will have fun for hours. You don’t need to be the best-skilled game player to play this game which gives it a big positive note for any players. Super Mega Baseball 2 is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Steam for the low price of 29.99 USD.
  • Customization
  • Graphically Cool
  • Good Baseball Simulation
  • Batting Controls are tight
  • Pitching is sluggish
Written by
Long time game enthusiast and writer. I have beta tested a lot of Mmorpg's since I was thirteen including Star Wars Galaxies, Lord of the Rings Online, and Star Wars The Old Republic. Currently attending The Art Institute of Pittsburgh for a degree in Game Art and Technology.

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