Mass Effect Andromeda – First Hour of Gameplay

Your first steps in Andromeda as the Pathfinder

The first hour of Mass Effect Andromeda goes by at a blinding pace. We had a few crashes, but by and large it’s setting the stage for an epic new adventure as the Pathfinder. When we picked up the game over the weekend, we we knew we’d be playing a series we knew and loved – we just expect a brand new story to be what Mass Effect needed to feel fresh and exciting all over gain. Mass Effect Andromeda First Hour

The story in MEA is altogether uncharted territory for the series. Brand new characters, hundreds of years after the events of Mass Effect 3, in a whole new galaxy. In short, this ain’t your grandpappy’s Mass Effect. While we know that Andromeda will pay homage to the original trilogy, we don’t know exactly how it will do so. When creating your Ryder, whether you choose the male or the female twin, you do get to import your save or choose whether Shepard was male or female in your story as well.

There’s a real sense of “Star Trek”-like exploration in this first mission, and we really hope the whole game carries through on that feeling. There’s something inherently cool about being on a bold voyage to find a new home for Humanity. Anyway – watch, beware some early game spoilers, and enjoy the first hour of Mass Effect Andromeda as Scott Ryder. Mass Effect Andromeda First Hour


  1. Thanks for this video. I was glad to see this, because this isn’t the first preview-type vid for MEA we’ve seen, although this one is uninterrupted gameplay, which is nice.
    And you know what? Every MEA video I have seen thus far shows Shepard scanning, scanning, scanning…..just walking around and scanning, more than anything else. Sure, there’s combat and the environments look pretty, but on-foot exploration looks to be rather limited and semi-linear (this is a Bioware game though, so no surprise there), but again, all of these pre-release videos show Shepard scanning ad nauseum. I understand the purpose of such an action, but to have it be THAT prevalent suggests to me that the game is lacking elsewhere.
    I used to be a huge ME fan, but the inexcusable and terrible ending “choices” in ME 3 started to sour me on it. Seeing this now, a game in which scanning seems to be your primary goal, has convinced me not to buy MEA. I figured this thing would get hyped to death, mainly due to whom is publishing it and the dearth of ME games the past several years, and I also figured that it would be underwhelming, mainly due to the state of video gaming here in the West, in which gamers will eat poop and then rave about how “great” it is because they aren’t intelligent or educated enough to do anything else.
    Anyway thanks Mr. Murphy, this was good for me to watch because it showed me what I was worried about. For you, and for those who run out and buy this thing just because, have fun and good luck!

  2. Jealous but not sold on this game. I want to know how deep it is. Dragon Age Inquisition and Swtor both left sour tastes in my mouth. I am super hyped for this game, because I love the idea of making Mass Effect One the right way, but I’m going to have to wait for the reviews to decide is I want to jump in right away or wait for it to drop in value. Luckily next week brings Orisa to Overwatch, and The Ringed City Dlc the following week to DS3, so I have plans anyways. 🙂

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