Meet Your Companions in The Waylanders

Meet Your Companions in The Waylanders

Ever since its Kickstarter campaign got successfully finished, the developers from Gato Salvaje have been slowly introducing players to the mechanics and companions of the upcoming time-traveling party-based RPG The Waylanders. Heavily inspired by classics such as Baldur’s Gate and Dragon Age: Origins, the game will have a roster of unique characters to accompany your in your journey. Nine party members have been revealed that you can travel with, battle beside, and romance as The Waylanders comes to Steam Early Access this summer.

  • Amergin is a bright, inspired Master Druid, known through the court for his charm and sharp wit. Amergin believes with all his heart that the world is out of balance, and he has devoted himself to becoming part of the solution. Amergin is regarded as a magical and political authority by other humans, but due to his youth, immortals rarely take him seriously.
  • Berath is a quiet immortal professor, studious, serious and sometimes overly blunt.  Underneath his often cold & analytical exterior is a kind, gentle soul who is not afraid to rib others with a playfully snarky comment.
  • Delba is the youngest daughter of the Fomorian king. As a Fomorian, Delba is enormous, and most people on the surface find her scary, an opinion she finds hilarious. Delba’s tough and violent when she needs to be, but she’d much rather be playing music and telling dirty jokes with her friends.
  • Heraklios is a Greek mercenary in his twenties. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of Greek legends and myths, and will recount them loudly, and with many embellishments to anyone who asks. Or doesn’t. Despite being unbelievably skilled, he never feels like he is enough– that all of his accomplishments have been lucky breaks, and his failures have been deserved. Heraklios’s biggest dream is to earn glory, worthy of love and go down in history as a hero, and above all else — to feel like he really, truly deserved it.
  • Khaldun is the eldest daughter of a noble family in Meroe, in The Kingdom of Kush. She was sent to Egypt as a young teenager and educated in the best schools Alexandria could offer. Khaldun can read, write, and speak nearly a dozen languages, and can speak at length about the vast pantheons of Nubian & Egyptian gods and goddesses without checking reference materials.

  • Mal is a tough-as-nails rogue in her mid-thirties who loves violence for the sake of violence. She doesn’t talk much, would rather be caught dead than in a dress, and perversely enjoys smelling a little bit like death to keep people from talking to her. If you don’t seem dangerous or interesting, she won’t give you the time of day.
  • The werewolf curse of Rea’s clan has intensified over time, with each new generation becoming more lupine than the last. Rea was the first werewolf to be born without speech. Rea thinks deeply about every action and chooses her moves and howls carefully. She believes that it’s in everyone’s best interest to work together and strive towards a better future.  Rea strives to prove she is just as human as everyone else. A difficult task when you’re essentially nonverbal. Not being able to talk when you can think in complex sentences is frustrating, and sometimes she lashes out.
  • Nearing fifty, Brigg is your oldest non-immortal party member in the game. They’ve been fighting longer than many of your companions have been alive. They’re incredibly optimistic and will try to do the right thing whenever possible.  Despite their age and scars from numerous battles, Brigg has remained feminine in a very girlish, innocent way. They’re a tomboy for sure… all swords, punches, and bloodshed… but at the end of a hard day of brutal training, they’ll make flower crowns for the younger warriors to help them relax.
  • Trasté is a Goblin!  Trasté is from Aunes, a coastal city. Many trasnos there. Many fun jokes and much music!!  Trasté different too, from other trasnos. Usually trasnos do not care for people problems. Unless people problems are from pranks done by trasno. Trasté care very hard. Trasté wish Trasté was a people.  You changed from one thing into another thing. Maybe you can make Trasté a people?? Worth a try!!!

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