Noblegarden Celebration Returns to World of Warcraft

Noblegarden Celebration Returns to World of Warcraft

Blizzard took to the official site of MMORPG World of Warcraft to welcome players back to Noblegarden. The event is already active and will run through April 8. Sport your bunny ears and hop to it by hunting for eggs, eating delectable chocolate, and collecting toys, pets, etc.

“The great feast of Noblegarden has long been celebrated by the races of the Alliance and recently adopted by those of the Horde. During this joyous event, it is customary for the nobles and lords from each race to hide coins, candy, and the occasional treasures within special eggs painted to look like wildflowers. These eggs are then scattered around major cities for the citizenry to find.”

This year the season fun finds its way to the distant Valdrakken. But, as heroes of Azeroth take the much deserved rest, trouble stirs in Goldshire and Razor Hill. Furious ducks disrupt the festivities led by the druid Daetan Swiftplume. Start the quest chain “What the Duck?” to find his hideout and save the day from this menace!

As a part of Noblegarden 2024, you can receive the receive the Duck Disguiser toy as a quest reward for completing “What the Duck?”. Additionally, the Lovely Duckling battle pet can be obtained from the Noblegarden vendors.

Defeat the vicious Daetan Swiftplume daily for a chance of the following rewards:

  • Spring Reveler’s Turquoise Attire transmog set piece (Sun Hat, Pants, Dress, Boots, Belt).
  • Noble Flying Carpet mount, level 60-70 only.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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