Overwatch 2 – Cross-Progression is Coming, Blizzard Notifies Players to Merge Their Accounts

Overwatch 2 - Cross-Progression is Coming, Blizzard Urges Players to Merge Their Accounts

Developer Blizzard Entertainment has taken to the official site of hero shooter Overwatch to update players on the cross-progression feature. With the new system, players can merge multiple Overwatch accounts to carry progression and in-game cosmetics into a single Overwatch 2 profile.

Starting August 16, every player with a linked console account will be prompted at login to identify, select, and confirm the accounts you want to merge. Once you approve, your accounts to be merged during the release of Overwatch 2. Note that all players will need a Battle.net account to play OW2 regardless of platform. Progress from linked console accounts will be stored on your battle.net account, which will share in-game cosmetics and progress across the linked accounts.

“There will be one opportunity to merge console accounts, so make sure you double-check which accounts you are merging before you confirm!”

Check out the official announcement to learn more. Anticipating players’ questions, Blizzard also prepared the account merge FAQ.

Overwatch 2 arrives October 4 free to play on Windows PC and Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation5, PlayStation4, and Nintendo Switch consoles. As announced during the Xbox showcase, Overwatch 2 will adopt free-to-play model and as such will feature battle passes, seasons, special skins, and more. During the reveal, the company stated that Overwatch 2 will have 2 months long seasons, introducing new heroes, maps, game modes, skins, Mythic skins and more.

Check out the cinematic below to see the latest character joining the roster of the game, the long-awaited Junker Queen!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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