PF: WotR Got Update 2.1.0w With New Fixes

PF WotR Got Update 2.1.0w With New Fixes

Developer Owlcat Games rolled out a new update for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Enhanced Edition to address some of the bugs that could get in the way of the playthrough, especially now that The Last Sarkorians DLC is out.

The new DLC allows you to recruit a new companion Ulbrig Olesk and try out the Shifter class as you explore what happened with old Sarkoris.  Learn what Sarkoris was like before the interference of one Areelu Vorlesh through Ulbrig Olesk, a man with the ability to transform into a majestic griffon. You can invite this shapeshifter into your party for his invaluable comments as one of the last surviving tribal chieftains of the old Sarkoris. Explore new areas, unravel the mysteries of your new companion and, perhaps, win his heart if you are so inclined.

Beware of the possible plot spoilers below, especially if you are not done with the DLC yet!

  • Failing the mobility check next to the cave near Gundrun could lead to the party not being able to get out of that ravine – fixed;
  • Fixed the issue in Gundrun, when the Legend’s dialogue option in the conversation with the conflicting forces blocked the progress;
  • When entering the Forest of the Forgotten Spirits in The Last Sarkorians DLC, a dialogue with Sigvorn could start again – fixed.
  • In some cases, the party was unable to continue the quest about guarding the caravan in Gundrun – fixed;
  • The Call of Kin quest from The Last Sarkorians DLC could move to the next stage without finishing the battle for the city – fixed;
  • The Restless Spirit quest could get stuck in the journal if Angel’s mythic option was used – fixed.

  • Fixed the issue with touch spells cast via wands, which tried to spend 2 charges per use instead of 1;
  • Fixed the issue with touch spells cast via scrolls as well.
Classes & Mechanics
  • A shifter in ankou form can cast spells now;
  • Fixed the incorrect progression of the bonuses from the Manticore Aspect;
  • Manticore’s spikes are now considered thrown weapons;
  • The Arcane Undertow worked with AoE spells incorrectly – fixed; now only 1 dragon per spell will appear. This will prevent performance issues and freezes on some islands in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC.
  • Fixed the icons for the feats gained from the books;
  • Fixed the issue when the selection of a revelation happened before the selection of mystery when picking some classes and archetypes, which made it impossible to complete character creation.
  • Visiting the Ten Thousand Delights brothel could cause an error when trying to save the game – fixed. The same issue also caused crashes all over Alushinyrra – fixed as well.
  • Fixed the epilogue slides for Ulbrig if he was in love with the Aeon character.

Following the previous patch, the developers have also rolled out another fix that specifically addresses a number of dialogue issues in the latest DLC The Last Sarkorians. Follow the link above to see the list of changes but beware of spoilers if you are currently going through or preparing to embark on the DLC content.

“We’ve prepared an update 2.1.0x, that fixes a number of issues with the dialogues in The Last Sarkorians DLC, which we didn’t detect before uploading the previous fix. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience these issues caused for you.”

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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