Princess Solange Returns for Code of Princess EX on the Nintendo Switch!


Way back in 2012, Atlus USA brought us a spiritual successor to a Sega Saturn classic Guardian Heroes.  That game was Code of Princess.  It was released originally on the 3DS and then in 2016 on the PC with Steam.  The game was met with mixed reviews, as the smash’em up action RPG elements aren’t exactly for everyone.  Now Nicalis, Inc. is bringing us Code Princess EX for the Nintendo Switch in Summer of this year!


Code Princess EX will bring a story revolving around Prioncess Solange of DeLuxia.  While staying true to the classic RPG it originally was, the Switch version will introduce HD graphics, local co-op options, and multiple other additions and enhancements such as smarter AI, balancing, and new character level-up systems.  There will be over 50 different characters to play and upgrade through multiple game modes.


Code of Princess EX will be published by Nicalis, with physical and digital copies being available with a “T for Teen” rating.  The game will hit the shelves sometime in the Summer retailing for $39.99.  The launch edition will come with a full-color instruction booklet and mystery item!



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