Star Trek: Picard Makes Four Star Trek Online Starships Canon


Picard has just begun its second season with great response. I have been waiting for this season with baited breath for a very long time. Without any spoilers from the show I wanted to go over a couple of things that tie into one of my favorite MMORPGs, Star Trek Online.

A quick rundown on the ships that were selected to be in the show.


The Gagarin-class is a battlecruiser. In STO it is a top tier combat ship with lots of weapons and a rich history dating back to the original U.S.S Gagarin which was created after the Iconian Wars and was used during the Klingon Civil War.



This one is close to home for me because of my fondness for Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan. It is an Advanced Light Cruiser based around the original Miranda-class ship named Reliant. It was created to streamline the class and make it a more viable class of ship for future operations.



The Ross-class is a cruiser that was created using technical modifications created by Geordi LaForge and Data. These modifications were originally created onboard the Enterprise-D. It is primarily an exploratory vessel but can still be a formidable ship when it comes down to a fight.



An Advanced Research vessel, the Sutherland-class is a support ship. It has been created using Tachyon-based technology and can stand up for itself in a fight. It can even drain its enemy’s shields, similar to how the Borg drained the Enterprise’s shields during the Best of Both Worlds two parter.


It is truly astonishing to see how well received additions to an online video game are in the ways of actually adding them to a full television show. Seeing them in live action and realizing that they were from Star Trek Online before seeing the twitter post had me soaring through space.

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