Survive the Rebellion When Bellwright Begins Early Access

Donkey Crew has just announced that Bellwright is coming to Steam Early Access in December

The team that threw us into the maw of Last Oasis is ready for a brand-new survival adventure this winter. Bellwright first popped its head into view during a recent Steam Next Fest, and now we know that players can begin building their own town during December.

After racking up over 100,000 wishlists on Steam and visiting Gamescom 2023, it was a sure-fire certainty that we were due to get a launch of some sort soon. Now we know how long Donkey Crew are about to make us wait for their latest title. Plunging players into exile, thanks to a vengeful monarch, you’ll have to settle the wilds and expand your influence to win the day. No more Ssand worms this time, but overthrowing an oppressive Sovereign is still no small feat.

To first survive, you’ll need to construct buildings, gather resources, and expand your town’s infrastructure to accommodate new settlers and their needs. As this homestead expands and you fend off a series of threats, trades and alliances will become key. More than just simple management, this new title relies on combat capability. A deep narrative, massive construction, and plenty of progression systems are all capped off by this twist in the tale. If you can lead your armies into battle, then the gam changes drastically. You’ll need to command your squads, deploy formations, and use effective tactics to overcome enemies in the field.

Master all this, and you might reign over Bellwright. Check out the stunning trailer above, and head over to the official Steam page to find out more.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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