The team behind the upcoming animated series Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft invited players to check out a short behind-the-scenes video. In it the creators detailed the process of working on the project, for example creating the final look of our heroine.
Lara Croft brings her bow and climbing gear for a retelling of the rise of the Tomb Raider coming exclusively to Netflix in 2024. If you love the Tomb Raider franchise, you can’t do wrong with this animated series. The series is produced by Legendary Pictures, with Crystal Dynamics. Animated by Powerhouse Animation.
“One of the things that we really wanted to make sure to bring out for this iteration of Lara is that we bridge the Lara Croft from the newer survival games growing into the classic Lara that we know from the classic games. Having the existing games gives us a vast library to work with, and so we can always reference the older outfits that she’s had from different climates and conditions, and that’s been really helpful.”
Eagle-eyed gamers will also see Easter eggs in the form of various props and equipment used by the protagonist. Stay tuned to find out more about the adventures!