VALHALL: Wield Mjolnir – Official Gameplay Trailer

The developers from Blackrose Arts have shown off a new gameplay trailer for the multiplayer Viking themed slasher Valhall. It is dedicated to a mode called Wield Mjolnir:

You have been chosen to be one of the warriors to participate in Thor’s test! The god of thunder needs to find a warrior who will be mighty enough to wield the strongest hammer – Mjolnir.

  • There are 25 Vikings on the map and 2 players enough to start the match.
  • The first goal is to retrieve Mjolnir out of the ground. This phase has a total time of 1 minute, during this time a player pulls out the hammer and earns points.
  • After the first minute of pulling passes, a player can pick up the hammer and use its great powers: throw away enemies like ragdolls by simple attacks & charge the hammer by lightning and use the special abilities like chain lightning & throw the hammer. Don’t worry about the balance. If nobody defeats the player with the hammer he will fall from the lightning after 1 min after he has equipped it as he is not ready to use the full power of Mjolnir yet.
  • All players can either fight between themselves or unite against the player with the hammer.
  • A player who earns the most points by the end of the match wins.

Check out the game’s Indiegogo page to learn more.

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