Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader – Third Major Patch Available Now

Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader - Third Major Patch Available Now

Developer Owlcat Games rolled out the third major patch for turn-based cRPG Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader. It is now live on PC, with Mac & console versions dropping within 24 hours. The team mentioned doing their best to cover as many quest and progression issues plaguing the game before the New Year. This Rogue Trader patch also tackles the performance on console, some broken items and talents, overtuned skill checks and incorrect conviction/reputation requirements. The next major match is expected to arrive in January 2024. Its focus will be on fixes for talents and items, balance and overall QoL improvements.

For the full list of changes (including the narrative fixes) proceed to the official Steam page. We also had a chance for a brief chat with executive producer Anatoly Shestov. Check it out here!

Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader – Update 1.0.88 Highlights

  • Fixed a vast majority of broken quests and cutscenes that blocked progression or worked only for specific choices;
  • Fixed many items and abilities that worked incorrectly;
  • Fixed several desync cases for co-op;
  • Updated conviction, reputation and skill check values;
  • Improved optimization and fixed a lot of crash cases on console;
  • Added the missing founder names to the Shrine of Remembrance and Credits.
  • Companions that were sent away no longer stay on the bridge;
  • Fixed some cutscenes resulting in a black screen on skip;
  • Fixed the achievement “Uncover the Ice” to trigger correctly;
  • Fixed the achievement for exploring the whole Koronus Expanse triggering incorrectly;
  • Opticon-22 will no longer slowly walk back and forth multiple times during the cutscene;
  • Trying to get into the Imperium through the Maw now correctly awards an achievement;

Update: the game also received Hotfix 1.0.89

“We’re pushing another quick fix, probably the last for this year, to address some of the problems that remained or popped up after the last big update. The hotfix will be available on Mac and consoles within ~24 hours as usual (consoles will not be updated twice – they will receive the big update with this hotfix already included).”

  • You can now properly talk to companions on the bridge and in other encounters;
  • Allied companions that are not in the party will no longer become stuck during their turn in combat in Act III;
  • Fixed a case of saves not loading with an error message on Mac;
  • Fixed some UI responsibility issues with cargo interface;
  • The High Factotum will no longer summon the Lord Captain for a talk about Jae for those who never recruited her. This could prevent other cutscenes from playing;
  • Fixed a few more cases of the Lord Captain riding an invisible throne, which prevented some cutscenes from starting. For some saves it may be required to make a warp jump to relaunch the cutscene sequence;
  • The Psy-Stiffler item no longer stacks one more negative Psy-rating every time the game is loaded;
  • Psy-ratings have had their icons and descriptions back;

For other spoilery fixes follow the link above.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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