WoW Classic Hardcore – Solo Self-Found Mode Now Live

WoW Classic Hardcore - Solo Self-Found Mode Now Live

Developer Blizzard Entertainment continues to provide WoW Classic players with the toughest experience of their lives. The Hardcore realms now have an additional way to challenge heroes of Azeroth with a new Self-Found Mode.

Self-Found Mode is an opt-in gameplay feature that players will access from the Hardcore realm character creation screen when they create a new level one character. Participating players will be signified by a “Self-Found Adventurer” buff that communicates to others the additional restrictions players have placed on themselves as they journey through Azeroth.

“Survival is the name of the game in Classic Hardcore realms, and while you don’t always have to go it alone, you might just want to.”

Here are the restrictions Self-Found players choose to follow:

  • Initiate trades (including enchants) with other players
  • Send or receive most mail (NPC or quest-generated mail will still be accessible)
  • Access the auction house

This mode was initially revealed during BlizzCon 2023 in November, alongside Season of Discovery, Cataclysm Classic and the next WoW expansion The War Within. Note that you can turn this mode off by visiting the appropriate NPC. However, you will not be able to turn it back on. If you decide to partake, let us know in the comments below how far you’ve managed to get!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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