There is no party like Medivh’s party! In Season of Discovery Phase 7, you’ll need to face your fears and go boldly into an all-new dungeon— Karazhan Crypts. Journey to famed ziggurat, Naxxramas...
Developer Blizzard Entertainment revealed that World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 5 will be kicking off on September 26. The new Phase allows players to venture into the Blackwing Lair and Zu...
Things are getting hot in WoW: Season of Discovery, Phase 4. Time to put on your Fire Resist gear and set out to confront Onyxia and Ragnaros: Onyxia’s Lair and Molten Core are available now. Ex...
Developer Blizzard Entertainment kicked off the latest update for World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery. Phase 4 allows players to reach level 60, explore new Class Runes, enter the Molten Core raid ...
Developer Blizzard Entertainment has taken to the official site to announce that World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4 will be arriving on July 11. Players will be able to level to 60, discov...
As Azeroth prepares for the inevitable return of Deathwing, developer Blizzard Entertainmet invited players down a memory lane by sharing the Cataclysm expansion recap patch by patch. “Join us f...
Developer Blizzard Entertainment shared a new post on the official site to remind WoW Classic players of the ongoing Welcome Back Weekend. Running through May 13th, all gives all players with inactive...
Developer Blizzard Entertainment changed the face of Azeroth forever… again. This time on the Classic WoW servers with the arrival of Cataclysm Pre-Expansion Patch. The update ushers in the new ...
Developer Blizzard Entertainment reminds all heroes of Azeroth that the time is nigh to take up arms and fight Deathwing again. The fiery dragon is about to burst from the heart of the Maelstrom to un...