WoW Dragonflight – Return to the Forbidden Reach

Developer Blizzard Entertainment invites players to return to the Forbidden Reach in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight with the release of the latest content update. Explore a new max-level zone, uncover the secrets of the Zskera vaults, get caught up with new Raging Tempest gear, and more.

To celebrate the arrival of the new patch 10.0.7, the team also shared the launch trailer you can find above, featuring familiar faces and ladscapes and teasing of what’s awaiting you on Dragon Isles.

With Raszageth defeated, champions of Azeroth and dwellers of the Dragon Isles get a chance to return to the Forbidden Reach (Dracthyr starting zone) to seek answers. This max-level experience introduces new bosses and objectives, additional storms, new loot, and more. Check out the special blog post dedicated to the returning zone here.

Additionally, players can claim the two newest Heritage Armor sets – one for the Orcs and one for the Humans. This new quest is available for players level 50 and up who have reached Exalted with Orgrimmar or Stormwind. Check out the blog post about the Heritage Armor to learn more and see all the possible variations and recolors.

Additionally, the Monk class is now available to the goblin, Lightforged draenei, and worgen races. Last but not least, the update also introduced a new faction: the Winterpelt Furbolgs. Learn to understand and eventually speak their language as you help Sonova Snowden crack their peculiar dialect and earn their trust. Players can access their language progress in the Spellbook.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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