WoW: Dragonflight Outlined Follower Dungeons

WoW Dragonflight Outlined Follower Dungeons

The latest update to WoW: Dragonflight, Seeds of Renewal, arrives on January 16th with a plethora of new content. Among the revealed additions are the reclamation of Gilneas, new character customization, Azerothian Archives, and much more. The focus of the latest blog post on the official site are the Follower Dungeons.

In the Seeds of Renewal, players level 60-70 will have the opportunity to play through Normal difficulty Dragonflight dungeons solo, or with friends, with a little help from a few NPC teammates. Whether you want to experience the dungeon for the first time or learn the mechanics of boss fights, you can now queue for this new type of dungeon with the Group Finder.

Players will need to choose their role as either a healer, damage dealer or a tank within the dungeon. The NPC followers then will fill in the gaps to complete your party. Your new NPC friends will help buff you and even lay out a mage table for when you get peckish for a bite or two in the dungeon.

You can choose to let the NPCs guide you through the dungeon or take the lead yourself.

Dungeons Available:

  • Ruby Life Pools
  • Nokhud Offensive
  • Brackenhide Hollow
  • Halls of Infusion
  • Algeth’ar Academy
  • Neltharus
  • The Azure Vault
  • Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr


Dragonflight: Seeds of Renewal will provide players with even more World of Warcraft content to enjoy. In addition to the Azerothian Archives, the update will introduce the reclaiming of Gilneas questline, Dragon Isle Epilogues, Dragonflight Follower Dungeons, and more.

Dragonriding enthusiasts will be able to take to the skies of old-world continents. Trolls, it’s time to hit the salon and change things up with five new hair colors. Unique customization for Draenei, Warlock Tyrant, and Darkglare demons are on their way, and customization Achievements are coming for completionists.

Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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