Xbox Games With Gold Lineup Video For March Released

Xbox Youtube channel has put up latest video showing off Games with Gold for March. Among them players can find such titles as Layers of Fear, Evolve, Borderlands 2 as well as Heavy Weapon.

Layers of Fear is a psychological thriller released by Blobber Team. The game tells about mad artist plagued by his art in his own home.

Evolve is a multiplayer first-person shooter. The game features 4 players acting as “hunters” opposing a single player posing as alien beast. The “beast” grows stronger through the match, becoming more dangerous as well as stronger.

Borderlands 2 is an action RPG/FPS. The game gives players access to main story campaign as well as optional side missions.

Heavy Weapon is an arcade action shooter. Players will have to use heavy artillery to blast away at enemy tanks and planes.

What is Games with Gold?

Xbox One as well as Xbox 360 users can sign up for a premium version of Xbox Live service, namely Xbox Live Gold. It comes with features such as online games with other people; special matchmaking system; chat with multiple users at a time. Additionally, Xbox Live Gold users get demo-versions ahead of those of non-premium service.

And, of course, Xbox Live Gold program offers free games every month aka Games with Gold. Check out the video in the newspost to see the short overview of them for March.

You can sign up for Xbox Live Gold service here.

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