Despite being perhaps the worst kept secret in gaming, there was still a considerable amount of excitement when Ubisoft finally unveiled their Norse-themed Assassin’s Creed title, Assassin’s Creed Val...
Sony has taken to Twitter to share an amazing creation of wonderful people from Bar-El Studio: animatronic Mimir from action RPG God of War. Hints of the smartest man alive helped Kratos and Atreus on...
God of War is one of the most epic PlayStation franchises ever made, spanning various realms and exploring a vast range of mythology across its eight installments. The series from SIE Santa Monica Stu...
The developers of the much beloved God of War are back with a new type of video. Midgard Mishaps takes a look at the creation of the popular game and all weirdness going behind the scenes. If you have...
God of War director Cory Barlog has been on hand during Devcom to talk about the making of the game. He shared many interesting behind-the-scenes details, development issues and even concept art that ...
During the SDCC 2018, Cory Barlog was on hand and shared a hint for the latest secret in God of War: whatever it is, you have to search Kratos’ house for it. The community has been studying eve...
Cory Barlog, game director of the recent hit God of War, had an interview with in which he addressed one of the more frequent criticisms that the game has received. Namely, the shortage...
If rampaging across the nine worlds is not enough for you, watch Kratos come to the realm of Dark Souls in the God of Souls fan video created by Butchimus. The trailer is done using Dark Souls’ ...
Does your mini-Geralt feel particularly surly without a tiny friend? Or do you want a brutal bare-chested warrior to viciously defend your collection of game-related goodies? Then this Nendoroid Krato...