God Eater as a series has alway been the “Sci-Fi Anime” cousin to Monster Hunter. AGEs go out and hunt down Aragami to keep the world at large safe from their monstrous invasions. Over tim...
If you’re like me, you didn’t get a chance to fall in love with the Yakuza series until recent entries like Yakuza 0. So when SEGA announced its intentions to remake and refine the origina...
The Tales of series has long been one of my favorites, thanks to the stunning implementation of its linear action battle system way back in Tales of Phantasia on the SNES. Tales of Symphonia is still ...
Kingdom Hearts 3 is a narrative mess, and just one of the most incongruous things I’ve ever played. But it’s also one of the most fun RPGs I’ve put my hands on in recent years, filled with utter joy a...
Wargroove is the perfect game for those thousands of folks who wish Nintendo would get around to making a new Advance Wars. In fact, in pretty much all ways possible, it’s far superior to that c...
Travis Strikes Again – No More Heroes isn’t exactly another No More Heroes game. It’s a spinoff brawler in the same universe, where players get to control either famed assassin Travis Touchdown ...
It’s hard to find a good platformer these days, as I trawl through Kickstarter and a few months ago as I would have regularly trawled through Steam Greenlight it seemed that the proportion of 2D platf...
Below has been a long time coming. Five years ago the title was revealed, and its minimalist presentation and the promise of a Zelda-Souls mashup has been making indie gamers hungry for nearly that en...