Author: Kelley

Online gamer for 15+ years, fansite operator, guide writer, vlogger and content creator. Passionate about her boys including two pups, cultures, innovation & smart solutions around the home. If it's got an app, chances are she's already got it! Origin ID: KelleyPlays

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp review BG

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Review

It’s been nine days since it launched and if you have a phone, social media or enjoy convenient cute pixels SURELY you have heard of  Animal Crossing – Pocket Camp, the fourth installment of Ani...

8.9 Great
Assassin's Creed Origins review

Assassin’s Creed: Origins Review

Four years in the making developers Ubisoft are finally releasing the tenth major installment of the Assassin’s Creed series on PC, PS4 and XboxOne. Assassin’s Creed Origins is set in Ancient Eg...

9.7 Amazing

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