Let’s Play God’s Trigger

God’s Trigger is a brand new top-down co-op shooter from Techland is coming out this year. The game tells the tale of an angel and a demon working together to stop the apocalypse from happening prematurely. No, this isn’t Good Omens by Neil and Terry – it’s close though!

With a lot more blood and guns. Due out on April 18th on PS4, XB1, and PC, God’s Trigger is deadly fast, violent, and clever.

About God’s Trigger

When an Angel and a Demon team up to kill their way into Heaven and stop the apocalypse, bullets will fly and blood will be shed.

Play solo or in with a friend and burst through a room in a matter of seconds killing enemies with a bucketload of weapons, special abilities, and melee options in a show of blood and explosions!

Kill enemies in the most graphic way possible! Make split-second decisions, dodge bullets and inflict violence in a highly stylized, fast-paced bloodbath.

Each character brings their own unique powers. With a treasure trove of weapons and customizable special abilities you have the means to annihilate your enemies in just the way you like.

Two heroes working together will slay enemies twice as fast! Switch freely between Harry and Judy, the Angel and the Demon, at any moment in solo mode, or grab a friend and work together in co-op for even greater bloodshed!

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