With BlizzCon 2017 (the 11th BlizzCon out there!) having started in Anaheim, the flow of Blizzard-related news is going to be hard to swim through. Here we’ll try to keep you posted on anything ...
Our brothers and sisters over at MMORPG.com have been rounding up all the major news around Blizzard’s Stable of Games for October. In short, it’s been a really busy month for the house th...
As part of their Heroes 2.0 initiative, Blizzard Entertainment announced today upcoming content entitled The Call of Kel’Thuzad for their break-out MOBA, Heroes of the Storm. While there isn’t much in...
There are big things coming to Heroes of the Storm in the very near future. At this year’s Heroes of the Storm Spring Summit, I was lucky enough to have some time to sit down with Lead Hero Designer K...