Ni No Kuni 2

Ni no Kuni 2 DLC

Ni No Kuni II – Revenant Kingdom DLC Information Released

Bandai Namco Entertainment has released additional information for the upcoming DLC for Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. The DLC is titled The Lair of the Lost Lord and will be available to the owners...

Check Out the Launch Trailer for Ni No Kuni II

I hope you’re as stoked for Ni no Kuni II as I am!  To hold you over until launch in just over a week, BANDAI NAMCO just released the launch trailer for your viewing pleasure! For those who have...

Ni No Kuni 2 Delayed To January 19th, 2018

We have a sad. This news came through the PR wire today. Ni No Kuni 2 delayed… BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc. announces today that the release date for Ni no Kuni II: REVENANT KINGDOM™ ...

Building Your Kingdom in Ni No Kuni II

Ni No Kuni II has a lot to live up to. The first was critical darling that was consistently praised for its brilliant art direction, captivating soundtrack, and deliciously traditional JRPG gameplay. ...

Dragon Ball FighterZ Leads Bandai Namco Charge at E3

For all the furor over the Creator Cave or a certain flying monkey, it is easy to forget that E3 also includes a number of games that are almost upon us. Bandai Namco brought a whole bunch of games In...

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