Dragon Ball FighterZ Leads Bandai Namco Charge at E3

For all the furor over the Creator Cave or a certain flying monkey, it is easy to forget that E3 also includes a number of games that are almost upon us. Bandai Namco brought a whole bunch of games Including Dragon Ball FIghterZ.

It’s all About the Dragon Balls

Developed by Arc System Works for XBox One, PC, and PlayStation 4, this 2.5 fighting game is based on the much loved Dragon Ball Z animated universe and is expected to release sometime in early 2018. While there is no confirmed release date, this E3 reveal of Dragon Ball FighterZ included authentic animation, ridiculous action, and the same outlandish combat styles that make the anime so popular. At least seven playable characters are confirmed already with Goku, Vegeta, Kid Gohan, Perfect Cell, Frieza, Majin Buu, and Future Trunks included in the roster.

For die-hard Dragon Ball fans, this title looks like a truly authentic adaptation of the anime. Cut scenes blend seamlessly into the action and transformations are as outlandish as you might remember. I’ll be watching this, but if you are already sold you can pre-order over at the official Bandai Namco site now. 

Look at my Porsche

That’s not all though, Bandai Namco also dropped new information on the upcoming title, Project Cars 2. After announcing the game some time ago, we now have a release date and a brand new E3 trailer for this racer. Slightly Mad Studios unveiled a stunning 4k teaser encompassing everything from retro touring, kart racing, to Le Mans. It is a massive game and with a  release date of September 22, you won’t have long to wait. You can check out the E3 trailer at the official website

Return to Ding Dong Dell

For those of us who enthralled by the adventures of Evan, the boy King of Ding Dong Dell, good news came in the form of a Ni No Kuni 2 trailer. The second installment in this fantasy RPG, titled Revenant Kingdom, follows the story of Evan as he tries to take back his kingdom following a coup. You’ll come across pirates, spirits, and talking animals as you make your way through a magical land.  The second part of this charming series is due out on November 10 on Playstation 4 and PC and you can find out more and see the trailer here.

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