Become A Buccaneer In Black Desert Mobile

Black Desert Mobile kicked off another new class update with the introduction of the Buccaneer.

Players looking for something a little more light hearted than the recent Drakania class, or simply to swindle treasure and live the high life can escape the rat race today and re roll a Buccaneer class in Black Desert Mobile. While you’re busy making the morning commute, take on brand new adventure and grab plenty of loot from a series of in game events, celebrating this new way to play.

Players picking up the Buccaneer in this free to paly mobile MMO can expect an exuberant cannon wielding scallywag with plenty of firepower at their back. The Buccaneer is an unusual mix of styles. While this new entrant might wield the deadly “Patraca” weapon, which can slash down enemies at close range and shoot down foes from afar with harpoons, they also command an army of loyal sea otters. Yep, sea otters. AS the captain of these Slippery Scallywags, you’ll be able to unleash a giant anchor attack when things get rough, and this class even comes Awakened from level 1. If you want to get an idea how that all plays out, check out the class trailer above, or he combat teaser below for a good view of the horizon.


Like all class launches, this also means in game events. Between now and 19 September, you can expect mobile combatants to participate in two in game events with plenty of marvelous treasure on offer. Scallywag Daily Missions and Scallywag Daily Support quests will drop plenty of boosts, combat buffs, and valuable crafting material along the way. If you’re looking for an escape from the usual rigors of daily life, check out the Buccaneer class in Black Desert Mobile. Black Desert Mobile is available now on iOS and Android devices via the official website.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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