LOOP8: Summer of the Gods Brings A Time Twisting Tale West in Spring 2023

XSEED games and Marvelous US have just announce that time twisting tale LOOP8: Summer of the Gods is set to come to North America in the Spring of 2023.

Due to holiday on Nintendo Switch system, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC via Steam. LOOP8 is an interesting new time travelling RPG that looks set to meld an emotional coming of age narrative with a distinctly sci-fi twist. Taking the role of protagonist Nini, players jumping into and endless summer shouldn’t expect picturesque vistas and slow afternoons, even if the artwork here looks beautiful. Instead, you’ll be thrust into a world where Kegai, demonic entities, have pushed humanity to the brink of extinction. After landing in Ashihara for the summer, Nini and his classmates must defeat these powerful foes before they overwhelm what little is left in the world.

This all seems distinctly JPRG, but players will wield the power to reset the world, with each loop allowing Nini and his allies to relive the 8th month over and over until they get it right. This allows player to make choices that effectively change the world, using an emotional driven AI and a story that changes available choices based on those decisions. More immediately appealing is the artwork and animation on show. The trailer that XSEED dropped yesterday is the first chance for us to get a glimpse at the game with English voices, which will be offered in addition to the original Japanese voice acting too. Take a look above for a sneak peek at the captivating characters in the quaint town of Ashihara circa 1983.

Developed by SIEG Games together with Marvelous Inc. and published by XSEED Games, Loop8: Summer of Gods will release next spring. While this all seems a little Eva come Persona 4, we’re looking forward to seeing what Loop8 is like on launch. The game will be released on console platforms by publisher Marvelous Europe in Europe. To find out more, check out the official website now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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