11 Bit Unveil the Horror of The Thaumaturge

11 Bit studios and Fool’s Theory have just revealed a new

The Thaumaturge is coming to uncover the darkest part of your psyche and there’s a brand-new announcement trailer too.

The team behind Moonlighter and Fool’s Theory have unveiled The Thaumaturge, a brand-new story-driven RPG coming to delve through the darkest parts of the human psyche and explore all your inner demons. Due to arrive on Pc sometime in the near future, this isometric RPG is set to throw us back into 1905 where Warsaw lives under the yoke of Imperial Russian tsardom, yet that’s not the only thing to worry about in this new adventure.

IN between the hooliganism and high society, players picking up The Thaumaturge will need mind the gaps in reality. While the local influence of Jewish, Pole, and Russian citizens clash in the real, only Thaumaturge can see what skulks in the shadows. Powerful beings called Salutors wield immense power, and players will need to bend them to their will to survive. Faithfully obeying their masters, Salutors allow Thaumaturges to manipulate other humans, preying on their secrets and insecurities, bending one’s will to their own needs while changing the world surrounding them.

“The Thaumaturge revolves around the idea of demons both on physical, and metaphorical layers. After all, it’s a game infused with 11 Bit studios’ philosophy of meaningful entertainment. Its theme is evoked in different areas of the game with gameplay mechanics or narrative aspects being only a part of those,” states Fool’s Theory Design Director, Karolina Kuzia-Rokosz. While the old saying goes “everyone has their own demons”, playing The Thaumaturge will make gamers realize that not everything has to always mean what it seems.

With a unique way to wield this power, players can stalk the city’s streets or pick on the powerful to get them out of a tight spot. Turn based combat looks likely to be an interesting experience using Salutors. With their roots coming from various cultures, they serve as a powerful force, highly useful during dangerous encounters in the dark alleys of districts like Praga. Take a look at the trailer above to a different side Warsaw. I’m thinking if you wanted a bit of horror on your Disco Elysium then this is perfect. Check it out on Steam now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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