Age of Wonders 4 – Dev Diary #5: Dwarves Faction Creation

Developer Triumph Studios and publisher Paradox Interactive have shared a new dev diary for the upcoming Age of Wonders 4, with its signature blend of 4X strategy and turn-based tactical combat. The latest entry is dedicated to creating your very own faction: Dwarves of the Underworld.

Check out the blog post to see the developers meticulously go through the faction’s culture, passives, traits and more. If you’d like a more visual demostration, there is a video of the process you can find above!

Powerful Wizard Kings have returned to the realms to reign as gods among mortals. Claim and master the Tomes of Magic to evolve your people, and prepare for an epic battle that will determine the ages to come.  Control a faction – including the Dwarves! – that grows and changes as you expand your empire with each turn. The game will offer a new storytelling event system and hugely customizable empires that is sure to guarantee an endlessly replayable experience.

In case you’ve missed the previous installments of Age of Wonders 4 dev diaries, you can find them here:

Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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