Almighty: Kill Your Gods Unleahhses The Thunderhead Guardians In New Trailer

Versus Evil has just unleashed the dreaded Thunderhead Guardians in a brand new trailer for the upcoming online action RPG, Almighty: Kill Your Gods

Independent publisher Versus Evil and developer Runwil Entertainment seems to have angered the gods lately as the Thunderhead Guardians made a prominent appearance in the latest trailer for Almighty: Kill Your Gods. The latest glimpse into the world of this action RPG finds these monstrous enemies crashing around the open world, decimating players with a range of deadly beam weapons and ferocious melee strikes. Towering above all around them, these armoured weapons of the gods are both a menace and an attractive source of loot for adventurers strutting out onto the field of battle.

Almighty: Kill Your Gods is a new action RPG where you take on the persona of an Alpha, the first amongst your kind, a magical warrior infused with the power of your ancestors, reborn to take a stand for your tribe against the tyranny and oppression of the Elder Gods. Tackling the forces of these deities solo, or via online co-op, you’ll step out into the wide world, demolish some enemies, and loot their corpses. This seemingly straightforward gameplay cycle sounds easier than it actually is, but is crucial in putting the god’s weapons to work in rebuilding your shattered home.

This bright blast of action is just the latest update to a title announced earlier this year and teased in more recent summer games shows. With an unknown release date for the upcoming PC release, and the expected console follow up, this is the perfect time to possibly brush up on your combat tactics and get to know your enemy. You can check out the trailer above to find out more about the Thunderhead Guardians and visit the Almighty: Kill Your Gods website for even more on the upcoming title.

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