Square Enix Collective, the platform aimed at helping Indies get to market, has inked a deal with Derby-based Bulkhead Interactive to publish ‘old-school’ WW2 shooter Battalion 1944 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. You may remember the name, as this time last year Battalion 1944 smashed its crowdfunding campaign with its promise to bring WW2 shooters back into the limelight. After the huge success of last year’s The Turing Test, the devs chose Square Enix Collective for Battalion.
For more info, check out the newly revamped Battalion 1944 site.
What is the Square Enix Collective?
Square Enix Collective is an initiative that provides a range of non-restrictive services to independent developers to help them raise the profile of their projects, and bring them to market.
Services include:
- Community-building via the Collective Feedback platform
- Support through crowdfunding for selected projects
- Publishing and marketing services (including QA and platform relations)
- A limited number of production investments for specific projects
- Creative control and all IP rights are retained by the developers.