Bring The Breaker Class To Your Latest Lost Ark Outing

Breaker Class - about to punch a monster

New Update adds the Breaker Class, new story content, and loot to Lost Ark.

Amazon’s Lost Ark just launched n impressive looking March update, and no it isn’t bunnies. Easter might be on the horizon but we’re all up in arms about the brand-new Breaker Class. The latest Advanced Class to come to Lost Ark arrives alongside the Light of Destiny Story Update, events, store additions and more.

Dropping as a free add on to the fantasy ARPG from Amazon and Smilegate, the March update brings a male version of the Scrapper to the battlefield. A fearsome problem for any enemies, this warrior comes equipped with two massive gauntlets. The oversized gloves come in handy while players pull together combos to relentlessly pummel problems into nothing. The Breaker will arrive with the most recent balance changes from Korea, and a bunch of other extras. Expect 1 new Title, 10 new Achievements, new trophies, guides, and Breaker quests to get acquainted with.

Find the Ark

The latest Advanced Class is possibly the perfect way to take on the latest story update. The Light of Destiny update will reveal the location of the Lost Ark. Something of a pivotal moment in the first story chapter in lost Ark. The quest for this eponymous object will mean 7 New Achievements, 2 New Titles, an entirely new island, and a Rapport NPC to catch up with. The new area of Praeteria calls, but only if you manage to complete the prerequisite quests and Item Level 1520.



Alongside these two huge changes, you will also find a new Arkesia Tour system to help catch up on the recent island content. A bunch of runes, potions, and other loot should be an enticement to take this route to the end of Chapter 1, before jumping into the Light of Destiny. There are also some changes to the Road to Thaemine, an adorable Super Mokoko Express event, more Naruni racing, extra event rewards, and a ton of balance fixes. There’s way more than I can fit here. You can check out everything in Lost Ark’s March update over on the official website and play for free now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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