Disciples: Liberation Shared Hotfix 1

Disciples Liberation Shared Hotfix 1

Developer FRIMA Team and publisher Kalypso Media have released Hotfix #1 for turn-based RPG Disciples: Liberation as they promised previously. Based on players’ feedback, the team introduced this update to solve bugs and quest issues, including the fix for the missing Mana Tree blueprint and more.

Liberate the land of Nevendaar and uncover the endless stories hidden within this richly detailed world where every decision has a consequence, and every wrong move could be deadly. Explore a rich overworld and align with a variety of in-world factions: from a human empire tinged by religious extremism to the dark forces of the undead lead by a mad queen. Assemble a team to gather precious resources, sway political standing, and take on brutal beasts in intricate turn-based battles.

Check out our review to find out more.

Disciples: Liberation – Hotfix 1 Includes:

  • The ‘Mana Tree’ blueprint can now be unlocked as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases Avyanna’s class was reset to Mercenary and the respect option in Yllian did not trigger the class selection.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the morale of Legion of the Damned units to drop to -2 in battle, despite having an honored standing with that faction.
  • Fixed an issue that in some cases resulted in being stuck at the victory screen after conquering a resource building.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the ‘Temple of Seasons’ blueprint from being unlocked when breaching Strongpeak by force.
  • Fixed a bug where the player could keep a unit if they revived it with the ‘Call of the Grave’ spell and ended the battle before the unit’s doom timer expired. Doomed units are now always killed when combat ends as intended.
  • The skill ‘Twilight Might’ now increases the corresponding values of unholy and divine resistance as intended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the game to become unresponsive and made the HUD options in the fight against the Inquisitor Regent disappear when frequently hitting ESCAPE.
  • Refunding Avyanna’s skill points from the skill tree now always returns the correct amount of skill points.
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to choose the ‘Wait’ option for Avyanna while casting the ‘Wall of Thorns’ spell during combat.
  • The ‘Earth Spears’ spell can now damage grounded enemy flying units as intended.
  • The ‘’Teamwork’’ skill now shows the correct value for resistances.
  • Fixed a bug that caused units to have 0 HP after reloading a savegame that was created while players were staying in Yllian.
  • The tooltip that appears when comparing items while holding SHIFT no longer disappears when the mouse is moved.
  • Fixed several sources for crashes and freezes.
  • Fixed several localization issues – e.g. in the Simplified Chinese version.

Quest related Fixes

  • Fixed an error in the quest ‘The Cared for Caravan’ where Bagthal was removed from the squad after interacting with the NPC Pierre and the battle could not be completed without him.
  • Fixed a bug that after completing ‘Plain of Slights’ in Wotan’s Grave, prevented the following quest to talk to Orion from being triggered in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the fight against Cink in the location of Wotan’s Grave to trigger a second time, after the first one was completed.
  • Fixed an issue where after completing the quest with the priest ‘Into the Twilight’, the game did not recognize the quest as completed.
  • Fixed an issue where declining the quest with ‘Mother Jehanne’ in the region ‘Plains of Widows’ lead to completing the quest.
  • The quest ‘The Spirits of What Were’ in the Whitelands can now be completed correctly.
  • The correct victory condition is now displayed when the Holy Prior is defeated in Sebastien’s quest. It no longer displays ‘Defeat’ despite all enemies being killed.
  • The portrait of the Spleen Collector is no longer missing during the quest ‘Demonic Duel’.
  • Fixed an error in the ‘Homecoming’ quest where both Illmerens were assigned to the enemy force, preventing you from adding her to your front line as requested.

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