Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Reached the Alpha Milestone

Dragon Age Dreadwolf Reached the Alpha Milestone

Publisher Electronic Arts and developer Bioware have taken to the official site with the exciting news. Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, the fourth game in the Dragon Age series, just reached the major Alpha milestone and is moving closer to completion.

According to General Manager Gary McKay, Dreadwolf has come a long way since the production phase announced in February:

“Up to this point, we’ve been working hard on the various parts of the game, but it’s not until the Alpha milestone that a game all comes together. Now, for the first time, we can experience the entire game, from the opening scenes of the first mission to the very end. We can see, hear, feel, and play everything as a cohesive experience.”

Of course, the game is not yet finished by any means. However, Alpha is one of the most important game development milestones for a number of reasons. The team can now evaluate the game’s pacing, how relationships evolve over time, and the player’s progression, as well as narrative cohesion—essentially how the story comes together. Additionally, the developers are gathering feedback from multiple sources to receive the greatest insight on where to spend more time to improve the experience.

The team is excited to finally bring the fans to the parts of the world that have been hinted at but never explored before such as Minrathous, the capital of Tevinter Imperium.

For those who need more DA-related content, there will be an all-new animated series Dragon Age: Absolution coming to Netflix this December.

Spearheaded by the showrunner Mairghread Scott and produced by Red Dog Culture House, Dragon Age: Absolution was created in collaboration with Bioware. The events of the series are set in Tevinter, with Absolution featuring an ensemble of new characters inspired by Dragon Age lore, including elves, mages, knights, Qunari, Red Templars, demons and other special surprises.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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