E3 Trailer Shows Off Star Wars Battlefront II – It’s a Breathtaking Cinematic Treasure

This is one E3 trailer you do NOT want to miss!

During today’s EA Play, the company showed off some of the first game play from Star Wars Battlefront II. Fans of all-things Star Wars can’t help but be excited.

E3 Trailer shows iconic characters at war

The Battlefront II trailer allows viewers to see some of the IP’s most notable characters including Rey, Kylo Ren and Darth Maul. They are fighting with lightsabers, taking on a clone battalion and dueling one another.

Players will be able to enjoy a single-player story campaign centered on Iden Versio. In addition, players will have the opportunity to play offline, something the first game was criticized for.

Players who preorder the game will be able to take part in the beta this fall as well as get a head start on that. Everyone else will have to wait, thank you very much.

Star Wars Battlefront will be out to the world on November 17th. Will you be playing?


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