Fallout 76 Wastelanders gameplay video & details

During last week’s Bethesda Game Days, Fallout 76 developers took to the stage to talk more about the keenly anticipated Wastelanders coming to the game on April 7th. Not only did the team recap key details from the update, but it also included a look at gameplay.

Wastelanders is bringing one of the most-requested features to FO76 in that it adds human NPCs throughout the game. “We wanted to make the world realistically feel like time has passed,” developers wrote. “Some details are small, like the fact that your Pip-Boy now reflects that the year is 2103, and some are huge like NPCs, Factions, and updated locations.”

The update will be accessible to all players regardless of level and even the newest players can jump right in for a solo experience that begins about a year after the events of the game’s main story. Players will encounter a pair of human factions: Settlers and Raiders. Each controls its own location. Settlers are located in Foundation while Raiders are found in The Crater. Both locations are considered hubs where players can trade, interact with NPCs, pick up quests, etc. Players can help out both factions that will yield reputation with them and choices made during questing will affect the larger game world.

Human NPCs will be found all over the game map and players can interact with them. Some can even be recruited and, if successful, they’ll return to the faction hub and be present to defend it and will even offer quests.

Check out all of the details on the Fallout 76 official site.

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