On June 16, 2022 we received news that Final Fantasy fans have been waiting for, for a long time. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, or remake part 2, has been announced for winter 2023. While this was a gut punch for me I understand where the company is coming from. I still believe they should have been focused on releasing this first before other games like the Crisis Core remaster, but it is coming as well as part 3.
The trailer that was shown starts out with Cloud and Sephiroth walking near Nibelheim seemingly on their way to the mako reactor. It has Tifa talking about how Cloud thinks she is an impostor and then cuts to Zack carrying Cloud to Midgar. It finished with Aerith talking. You can watch the full trailer below.
At the very least we are getting Crisis Core Reunion this winter and will have a game we loved on the side, to keep ourselves busy. Playing as Zack is a fun experience as well, though I am a little upset that the voice actor changed. In either event I can’t wait for all things Final Fantasy to come out. 7 was my favorite game growing up and I have beaten the original seven or eight times. The more Final Fantasy 7 the better.