We have good news for anyone with old Game Cube controllers lying about. Nintendo has quietly added support for them after the 4.0 system update.
Game Cube controllers
You’ll need a special adapter to use the controllers. These were sold for Wii U and can be plugged into the Switch dock. You’ll be able to pair them up through the settings menu as well as by using the L and R buttons.
However, you may find that being able to use them doesn’t mean you’ll want to. These controllers do not have a Z button or a Home button. You may find the navigation simply not worth the effort in the end, even if fun.
If you haven’t looked into all that the Switch 4.0 update brought, you may be happy to hear that a number of features have been added. In addition to the controller support, you can access video capture, wireless headphone support, find the transfer data function and much more. You can learn all about the update on the Nintendo site.