Genshin Impact – Check Out Neuvillette Demo & Collected Miscellany

Developer HoYoverse rolled out the character demo for one of the two Genshin Impact newcomers, arriving in version 4.1. Check it out above to learn more about Neuvillette, the Iudex of Fontaine.

“Each course of flowing water carries with it an array of complex emotions.
When they reach their final resting place, who would then dare disturb them?”

Neuvillette is a 5-star Hydro Catalyst character that will be available in the first phase of Version 4.1. As a judge, he is renowned for his unassailable impartiality. But, seeing how he addressed Navia during the Archon Quest, is it as unassailable as it seems?

Neuvillette’s role is to deal damage, mainly through his Charged Attacks. They unleash a surging torrent, dealing continuous AoE Hydro damage to all opponents in a straight line in front of him. For the duration of this attack, Neuvillette can move freely and adjust the direction.

His Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst create Sourcewater Droplets around him. When storing energy for his Charged Attack, he can absorb the Droplets within a certain area to restore his own HP while reducing the time required to fully charge his torrent.

The Iudex will also receive his Story Quest, Diluvies Chapter, once the new version drops. To participate, you have to complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act IV “Cataclysm’s Quickening” and reach AR40 or above.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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